
Microservices in DataForge are backend services of the system.

The Microservices page provides an overview of all configured microservices. This includes the job runner, which instructs the other microservices like the deliverer and renderer. The renderer takes care of rendering the PDF reports while the deliverer is responsible for distributing the reports.

Each card represents an individual microservice and includes the following details:

  • Name: The name assigned to the microservice.
  • Type: The category or type to which the microservice belongs.
  • Last Heartbeat: Timestamp indicating when the microservice’s last heartbeat was registered.
Microservice list

Microservice details

For more details about a specific microservice, click the arrow on the respective card. Here you can find the microservice’s name, type, and the netlog. The netlog provides a log of tasks performed by the service, offering insights into its activities.

Microservice details