Report jobs

This page offers an overview about all report renderings and their statuses. These report jobs can be inspected further, offering more information about different events.

Report jobs overview

Provides a detailed log of recent report rendering processes, offering insights into the progress of ongoing or completed report jobs. Navigate to Reporting > Report Jobs for a list of all report jobs:

Report job list

Report jobs can be in one of four states:

  • Successfully completed: The job concluded without any issues. Indicated by a green Success chip.
  • Completed with warnings: While the job finished, there were some warnings to be noted. Indicated by a yellow Success chip with a warning icon.
  • In progress: The job is currently being processed. Indicated by a blue In progress chip.
  • Failed: The job could not be completed successfully. Indicated by a red Failed chip.

Job details

For an overview of a specific job, click on the respective job entry. This opens the detailed view, where you can also navigate directly to the associated report via the View Report option. Additionally, a real-time job log is available, providing information on the executed steps, warnings, and errors during the job.

Report job details

The job log presents information in four key categories:

  • Date and Time: Indicates when each step was processed.
  • Type: Specifies the type of event.
  • Source: Identifies the source of the event.
  • Event: Describes the details of the event, including any warnings or errors.