
Report templates determine the content of a report and thus serve as its basis. In a template, widgets are configured to retrieve data from the Zabbix server and process it.

The specific data that can be accessed depends on the permissions of the service user. DataForge Users with the appropriate permissions are capable of creating and utilizing templates.

On the templates page, each template is displayed as a card. These contain the templates name and DataForge user group name, as well as configuration options.

Template list

Create a template

To create a report template, you have to be DataForge user with the following prerequisites:

Navigate to Reporting > Templates in the menu and click the blue plus:

Create report template form

  • Name: The name of the Template.
  • User group: Select a user group. Defines the scope of the accessible Zabbix data (see Service user).

Configure template

To further configure the template, click the settings icon of that template. Here, it is possible to change the name and add a short and detailed description, as well as widgets:

Template configuration

Add widgets to template

Click Add Widget to open the selection of widget types to add:

Template configuration: Widget list

Add one to the list of widgets by clicking on the widget. It is possible to add multiple widgets to a template and rearrange them. DataForge’s Reporting will take the widget order into account, as it determines the order of the widgets in the rendered report. You can configure the widget further by clicking the settings icon, or delete is by clicking the delete icon.

Template configuration: Added widget

More information about and which data the various widgets can retrieve is covered in the Widgets chapter.

Updating a template

A template can be reconfigured. However, after updating a template, each report that uses this template must be updated manually for the changes to take effect. To update a report simply open the report configuration (explained in the chapter about reports), which will trigger a warning about template changes:

Update report warning

Click Update to apply the updated template to the report. Only widgets will be updated in a report when a template is updated, short and long descriptions must be changed in the report configuration.

Click Cancel, if you don’t want to apply the changes of the template to the current report.

If an update is canceled, the update prompt will show up every time you try to configure the report. It is not possible to modify the report without updating, if the underlying template has been altered.

Clone a template

Another way to create templates is by cloning and editing existing ones. To clone a template, open the context menu and select Clone. Provide a name for the cloned template.

Clone a template

Delete template

You can delete templates by opening a template’s context menu and selecting delete. This will trigger a warning:

Delete a template

If a template is deleted, all associated reports will also be deleted. This action cannot be undone.