Here you can view all hosts and their maintenances:

For each host you can see their number of configured maintenances and current maintenance status. Whether a host group is in maintenance can be determined by the description above the host group name as well as the color of the text and icon:
- Green: No maintenance is currently active.
- Yellow: In maintenance with data collection.
- Red: In maintenance without data collection.
Host configuration
To open the host maintenance configuration, click the maintenance button of the host. The configuration shows the host name, indicates whether the host is presently in maintenance, and checks if the host group to which the host belongs is in maintenance.
The number of maintenances configured in Zabbix is also listed. If there are configured maintenances, this section can be expanded to show all maintenance names. The count of maintenances might indicate two, but the list may contain only one. This can occur when the configured maintenance is applied to both the host and the host group to which the host belongs.
The available options vary depending on the maintenance state.
Configuration: host not in maintenance
To start a maintenance click on Start maintenance. It also offers the option to start a maintenance while specifying whether the maintenance will start with or without data collection:

The maintenance time is meant to be unlimited, but since thats not possible in Zabbix, it will be set to 10 years.
Configuration: host in maintenance
You can end any maintenances that have been created by DataForge by opening the configuration and clicking End maintenance.

Hosts filter
You have the option to filter the hosts according to their statuses by using the filter chip at the top of the page:

- All: Displays all hosts.
- In maintenance: Shows all hosts that are currently in maintenance.
- In DataForge maintenance: Shows all hosts that are currently in maintenance initiated by DataForge.
- Host group in maintenance: Shows all hosts that are part of a host group that is currently in maintenance.
- Configured in any maintenances: Displays all hosts that have configured maintenances either by Zabbix or are currently in maintenance by DataForge.
- Not in maintenance: Lists all hosts that are not currently in maintenance initiated DataForge.
- No maintenances configured: Shows all hosts that are neither in maintenance by DataForge nor have any maintenance configured in Zabbix.