Host inventory

This widget retrieves the hosts inventory data from the Zabbix server. It is presented as a list in the PDF-rendered report.

The configuration of a Host inventory widget offers the following option (aside from the general settings of a widget):

Widget configuration: Host inventory widget

  • Host: Choose the host whose inventory will be displayed in the report.

Render examples

The PDF render not only displays the fetched data in a list, it also offers information about the following:

Host inventory widgets: PDF render

  • The host, including the the host groups it belongs to and it’s tags in form of chips.
  • The host’s interfaces. The list is displaying: Type, DNS/IP, Address, and Port.
  • The host’s inventory. Displayed in a list as key value pairs.
	"displayName": "Zabbix server inventory",
	"name": "host-inventory-widget",
	"description": "",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"error": "",
	"host": {
		"name": "zabbix-agent",
		"id": 10084,
		"description": "",
		"groups": [
			"Zabbix servers"
		"tags": [
				"tag": "Location",
				"value": "Germany"
		"interfaces": [
				"available": 1,
				"disable_until": 0,
				"dns": "zabbix-agent-test",
				"errors_from": 0,
				"hostid": "10084",
				"interfaceid": "1",
				"ip": "",
				"main": 1,
				"port": "10050",
				"type": 1,
				"useip": 0
	"inventory": {
		"asset_tag": "ci_id:979",
		"location_lat": "56.95387",
		"location_lon": "24.22067",
		"name": "This is my zabbix servers name"
Last modified February 25, 2025: (b558ec5b8)