
DataForge provides a diverse and continually expanding range of widgets. These widgets are primarily designed to retrieve specific data from a Zabbix server, with exceptions such as the markdown widget. They form the structure of reports.

Users with the necessary permissions can access all widget types while creating a report. However, data that is then retrieved by each widget from the Zabbix server depends on the Zabbix permissions of the service user.

Adding widgets

While creating and configuring a report, widgets can be added and configured. Each report has a dedicated section called Widgets, consisting of a button to add new widgets and a list of existing widgets. The list can be used to rearrange the widgets, or access the configuration page of a widget.

To add a widget, click Add Widget. This opens the selection of widget types to add:

Report configuration: Widget list

Configure widgets

Widgets can be configured when they are added to a report, or by configuring them via the widget configuration page.

To configure a widget, select a report and click the settings icon of the widget. The configuration options may vary depending on the widget type. Once you’ve completed the configuration, click Save.

General settings

Widget configuration: General

  • Widget type: Displays the type of the widget.
  • Name: Specify the name of the widget.
  • Description: Add a description for the widget.

Specific widget settings

In addition to the general settings, each widget must be configured depending on the type. All widgets are listed in the following section. There you will find further information on the configuration of the various widget types.

Widget types

If a host must be specified within a widget, it is possible to specify more than one host. Only items which are shared by these two hosts can then be selected.

Alert Log

Fetches an amount of entries from the alert action log of a host group. These results are selected based on a specific severity of triggers and displayed in a list.

Busy triggers

This widget selects and returns the triggers of the hosts in a host group that trigger equally or more frequently than a specified number.

Host inventory

This widget retrieves the hosts inventory data from the Zabbix server. It is presented as a list in the PDF-rendered report.

Host numeric item

This widget retrieves numerical item data of a host from a Zabbix server displays it as a graph, alongside further information like the host’s id and interfaces.

Host text item

Fetches text item data of a host from a the Zabbix server and is displayed as a list in the PDF-rendered report.

Long problem

This widget retrieves data on long-standing problems of a host group. A long-standing problem is a problem that is open for a certain period of time, but at least one day.


This widget doesn’t retrieve data, but can incorporate a markdown section into the report.


Fetches problem data of a host groups and can be further narrowed down by specifying hosts. For example the number of open and closed problems, severity, etc. of a host group.


A widget that offers data about triggers and recovery related information about its generated problems. This includes the median recovery time of problems, how many times a problem has been acknowledged or closed manually, interactions, etc.


Fetches data from services and SLAs of a Zabbix server.