Networking Requirements

An overview about the required network permits in a DataForge deployment.

Network requirements

A DataForge deployment needs to connect to various different network services. Following is an overview of requirements on the network to allow for communication between the various services.

Note that this does not include internal connections between DataForge services that are deployed together in a single docker-compose environment by default. Instead, this overview is intended as a hint about potentially necessary firewall rules.

Source Port Protocol Destination Purpose
Web browser accessing df-frontend 443/tcp HTTPS df-frontend reverse proxy Access to static frontend files
Web browser / IntelliTrend Mobile app 443/tcp gRPC-Web (HTTPS) df-frontend reverse proxy (API on df-server) Access to df-server API endpoints
IntelliTrend Mobile app 443/tcp JSON-RPC (HTTPS) Push server at Configuration of push notifications (only if needed)
df-server, all df-collectors 443/tcp JSON-RPC (HTTPS) Configured Zabbix Frontend servers Access to Zabbix API of configured servers
df-deliverer Various Various (for example SMTP) Configured delivery targets Delivery of reports to configured destinations
any df-ai-runner, if applicable 443/tcp S3 (HTTPS) seaweedFS (object storage) Access to trained AI models

Architecture diagram

Refer to this diagram for an overview of the general architecture of DataForge:

DataForge architecture diagram

Service dependencies

Because a DataForge deployment consists of multiple services, there are some network dependencies between the services.

Most of these dependencies are already dealt with as part of the docker-compose setup, but please refer to this table if you would like to understand the relationships between the services (the source service always depends on the destination service).

Source Service Destination Services
df-frontend df-server gRPC-Web API must be reachable from browsers using the df-frontend
df-server mariadb, nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS, Zabbix API
df-collector nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS, Zabbix API
df-preprocessor nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS
df-renderer nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS, chromedp
df-deliverer nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS, delivery targets
df-ai-trainer nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS
df-ai-tester nsqd, nsqlookupd, seaweedFS
df-ai-runner df-server, seaweedFS
nsqd nsqlookupd, df-server (nsqauth)
nsqlookupd nsqd
chromedp df-deliverer
Last modified January 10, 2025: (a3f4df5db)