Command-line parameters for the service: “DataForge server”.
--ai-tester-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for aitester transactions (default 3600)
--ai-trainer-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for aitrainer transactions (default 3600)
--collector-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for collector transactions (default 3600)
--config string path to the configuration file (default "/usr/local/intellitrend/df/etc/")
--cors-allowed-origins string list of origins to send in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (default "*")
--create-empty-config writes an empty config to standard output
--dataset-extraction-job-timeout uint number of seconds to wait before marking a dataset extraction job as failed (default 3600)
--db-address string Database Server Address
--db-disable-auto-init disables automatic initiaization on connection to an empty database
--db-disable-auto-migrate disables automatic migration on connection to an outdated database
--db-driver string Database Driver. Current Options are 'mysql' or 'postgres' (default "mysql")
--db-name string Database Name (default "dataforge")
--db-password string Database User Password
--db-port uint16 Database Server Port (default 3306)
--db-reconnect-delay uint sets the duration in seconds to wait before retrying database connection (default 15)
--db-tls-ca-certificate string optional path to a ca certificate that should be trusted when validating certs
--db-tls-enable enables tls for db communications
--db-tls-skip-certificate-validation skip validation of server certificate when using db over tls
--db-trace-enable enables database tracing for individual queries
--db-user string Database User Username
--default-account-enabled enables or disables authentication for the builtin default user (default true)
--default-account-password string password for the admin@dataforge.loc default user (default "dataforge")
--deliverer-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for deliverer transactions (default 3600)
--enable-clustering enables high availability clustering for this node
--enable-structured-logging Enables structured logging when using the 'stdout' log target, otherwise logs will always be structured
--encryption-key string The Symmetric Encryption Key used to Encrypt Credentials in the Database
--external-address string external address of this node
--grpc-port uint16 grpc listener port (default 8090)
--grpc-web-compression-enabled whether to enable HTTP compression respecting Accept-Encoding header (default true)
--ha-leader-initial-lease-length uint lease length for the first leader lease established (default 30)
--ha-leader-lease-length uint lease length for leader nodes (default 15)
--ha-node-long-poll uint regular polling interval in seconds for HA operations used by nodes in standby (default 10)
--ha-node-short-poll uint short poll timeout in seconds, should be set according to HANodeLongPoll divided by the number of nodes (default 1)
--help shows this help page
--i18n-dictionary-path string path to the directory containing the i18n dictionaries
--kafka-trace-enable enables tracing for kafka communication
--ldap-address string address of the ldap endpoint to use for authentication
--ldap-domain string ldap domain to authenticate the user with
--ldap-port uint16 port of the ldap endpoint to use for authentication (default 389)
--ldap-tls-ca-certificate string optional path to a ca certificate that should be trusted when validating certs
--ldap-tls-enable enables tls for ldap authentication
--ldap-tls-skip-certificate-validation skip validation of server certificate when using ldap over tls
--license string path to the license file to load
--list-cli-keys lists all available command line configuration keys (alias of --help)
--list-config-keys lists all available config file configuration keys
--list-environment-keys lists all available environment variable configuration keys
--log-file string the file to log into if logTarget is set to file (default "log.txt")
--log-level string loglevel to show logs at. One of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'fatal' (default "info")
--log-target string the target to log into. One of 'stdout', 'syslog' or 'file' (default "stdout")
--log-time-format string the output format of the timestamp if structured logging is disabled (default "datetime")
--lsr generates a license signing request
--lsr-address string address of the license holder company
--lsr-company string the company name of the license holder
--lsr-email string the email name of the license holder
--lsr-first-name string the first name of the license holder
--lsr-interface-name string name of the network interface to lock against
--lsr-last-name string the last name of the license holder
--lsr-phone-number string the phone number of the license holder
--lsr-salute string the salutation of the license holder
--lsr-website string the website of the license holder
--metrics-history-size uint number of metrics to store in appenable metric lists (default 100)
--metrics-port uint16 the port to serve the metrics endpoints on (default 8095)
--metrics-state-file string path to the metrics state file (default "state.json")
--nsq-alias string alias to send when writing to the central log
--nsq-auth-ai-tester-secret string secret to expect from a ai tester service
--nsq-auth-ai-trainer-secret string secret to expect from a ai trainer service
--nsq-auth-collector-secret string secret to expect from a collector service
--nsq-auth-deliverer-secret string secret to expect from a deliverer service
--nsq-auth-enable enable nsq authentication
--nsq-auth-master-secret string the master secret for the nsqd
--nsq-auth-port uint16 port to serve the authentication endpoint on (default 8094)
--nsq-auth-preprocessor-secret string secret to expect from a preprocessor service
--nsq-auth-push-server-secret string secret to expect from the push notification server
--nsq-auth-renderer-secret string secret to expect from a renderer service
--nsq-auth-require-client-tls requires authenticating clients to be connected to NSQ over TLS
--nsq-auth-server-secret string secret to expect from a api server
--nsq-auth-tls-certificate-path string path to the nsq auth services certificate file
--nsq-auth-tls-enable whether or not to enable TLS for NSQ auth endpoint
--nsq-auth-tls-private-key-path string path to the nsq auth services private RSA key
--nsq-consume-address string consumer address to read nsq messages from
--nsq-consume-port uint16 consumer port to read nsq messages from (default 4161)
--nsq-disable disables nsq
--nsq-log-enable enables tracing for all nsq communication
--nsq-produce-address string producer address to write nsq messages to
--nsq-produce-port uint16 producer port to write nsq messages to (default 4150)
--nsq-rpc-control-message-pace int pace at which control messages will be passed back and forth between services (default 3)
--nsq-rpc-timeout-checker-delay int delay between timeout checker runs (default 5)
--nsq-rpc-transaction-timeout int maximum time between control messages before a transaction will be considered dead (default 15)
--nsq-secret string secret used for nsq authentication
--nsq-tls-ca-certificate string optional path to a ca certificate that should be trusted when validating certs
--nsq-tls-enable enables tls for nsq communications
--nsq-tls-skip-certificate-validation skip validation of server certificate when using nsq over tls
--nsq-topic-prefix string nsq topic prefix
--preprocessor-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for preprocessor transactions (default 3600)
--renderer-queue-timeout int maximum queue time for renderer transactions (default 3600)
--report-job-timeout uint number of seconds to wait before marking a report job as failed (default 3600)
--rest-port uint16 rest api port (default 8092)
--s3housekeeper-schedule string cron schedule to run s3 hosekeeping on (default "0 0 * * *")
--service-identity string the service identity to use for metrics (default "dataforge-server")
--session-expiry uint time in seconds for which a token issed by the server is valid (default 60)
--show-config displays the effective configuration and exits
--show-netlog wether or not to log the netlog
--slow-query-threshold uint threshold in milliseconds until a query is treated as a slow query (default 1000)
--syslog-priority int priority to use if LogTarget is 'syslog' (default 6)
--syslog-tag string tag to use if LogTarget is 'syslog'
--thread-guard-enabled enables or disables the thread guard, which protects the server from crashes (default true)
--tls-certificate-path string path to the server certificate file
--tls-enable-grpc whether or not to enable TLS for gRPC service
--tls-enable-grpc-web whether or not to enable TLS for gRPC-Web service
--tls-enable-rest whether or not to enable TLS for REST service
--tls-private-key-path string path to the servers private RSA key
--training-job-timeout uint number of seconds to wait before marking a model training job as failed (default 3600)
--user-cache-eviction-time uint duration of inactivity in seconds until an entry is evicted from the user cache (default 300)
--user-cache-housekeeper-schedule string delay between housekeeper runs on the user cache in seconds (default "*/5 * * * *")
--user-sync-on-start run a full synchronization on server startup (default true)
--user-sync-schedule string cron schedule to run user synchronization with zabbix servers on (default "0 * * * *")
--version displays the software version
--web-port uint16 grpc web listener port (default 8091)
--zabbix-api-timeout uint timeout for zabbix api requests in seconds (default 60)
--zabbix-api-trace-enable enables full tracing for the zabbix api