
Command-line parameters for the service: “DataForge AI-runner”.
--ai-runner-token string              the dataforge ai runner token to authenticate this runner
--config string                       path to the configuration file (default "/usr/local/intellitrend/df/etc/")
--config-poll-interval uint           interval in seconds to wait between config poll attempts (default 15)
--create-empty-config                 writes an empty config to standard output
--dataforge-server-address string     address of the dataforge server to pull the config from
--dataforge-server-grpc-port string   port of the dataforge server to pull the config from
--dataforge-server-insecure           wether to connect to dataforge with http
--enable-structured-logging           Enables structured logging when using the 'stdout' log target, otherwise logs will always be structured
--help                                shows this help page
--list-cli-keys                       lists all available command line configuration keys (alias of --help)
--list-config-keys                    lists all available config file configuration keys
--list-environment-keys               lists all available environment variable configuration keys
--log-file string                     the file to log into if logTarget is set to file (default "log.txt")
--log-level string                    loglevel to show logs at. One of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'fatal' (default "info")
--log-target string                   the target to log into. One of 'stdout', 'syslog' or 'file' (default "stdout")
--log-time-format string              the output format of the timestamp if structured logging is disabled (default "datetime")
--metrics-history-size uint           number of metrics to store in appenable metric lists
--metrics-port uint16                 the port to serve the metrics endpoints on (default 8096)
--metrics-state-file string           state file for metrics (default "state.json")
--model-priming-duration uint         duration in seconds of metrics that models should be primed for before actually running (default 60)
--service-identity string             the service identity to use for metrics (default "dataforge-ai-runner")
--show-config                         displays the effective configuration and exits
--state-file string                   path to create the state file in
--syslog-priority int                 priority to use if LogTarget is 'syslog' (default 6)
--syslog-tag string                   tag to use if LogTarget is 'syslog'
--version                             displays the software version
--zabbix-database-address string      address of the zabbix database to read metrics from
--zabbix-database-name string         database name of the zabbix database to read metrics from
--zabbix-database-password string     password of the zabbix database to read metrics from
--zabbix-database-port string         port of the zabbix database to read metrics from
--zabbix-database-user string         username of the zabbix database to read metrics from
--zabbix-server-address string        address of the zabbix server send loss metrics to
--zabbix-server-trapper-port string   trapper port of the zabbix server send loss metrics to
Last modified January 13, 2025: (ea86b5621)