DataForge User

DataForge Users are imported Zabbix users. They login via the DataForge User account type and use their Zabbix credentials. The import and management of DataForge Users and user groups can be performed exclusively by DataForge Managers.

DataForge Users have access to different features within DataForge. These features consist of the Zabbix client, Self provisioning, Reporting and AI. Access to these features is dependent on the user’s user role, which are administered by a DataForge Manager, as well as the company they’re part of. In addition, the access to the reporting and AI section is also dependant on a DataForge user group. The service user within that DataForge user group determines which Zabbix server data can be accessed.

DataForge users can be disabled, which restricts the ability to log in to DataForge and impersonate them.

The user manual explains how to use the various features and provides a step-by-step guide to familiarizing yourself with DataForge.

Last modified December 4, 2024: (abe093008)