DataForge Manager

DataForge managers are exclusively responsible for the administration of DataForge. They login with a DataForge manager account and undergo authentication by DataForge through one of two available authentication methods: Local and LDAP.

The primary task of a DataForge Manager is managing DataForge. This includes managing and importing Zabbix servers and users, managing companies, user roles and media types, etc.

If DataForge Core is acquired as On-Prem, there always exists a default manager with full permissions and access to all companies. This default manager cannot be removed or modified, but it can be deactivated. If DataForge Core is acquired as SaaS, the DataForge Manager credentials will be provided to you.

Create a new DataForge Manager

To create a new DataForge Manager, navigate to Administration > Users and click on the blue plus:

Create a user form

  • Company: Select the company the created DataForge manager will be part of.
  • Username: Enter a username.
  • Password: Enter a password.
  • First name: Enter the first name of the user.
  • Last name: Enter the last name of the user.
  • Email: Enter the email of the user.
  • Language: Select the preferred language of the user.
  • Authentication type: Select the type of authentication for the user.
  • Role: Select a user role present within the selected company. These define the permissions of the DataForge manager.

The recommended user roles for a DataForge Manager are Manager or Admin. Although it is possible to create a DataForge Manager with the user role Operator or lower, this is not recommended as this user is not able to manage DataForge.

After the form is filled, click Save and the user is created. The user will now appear in the user list.

Configure an existing DataForge Manager

The settings for an existing DataForge Manager can be accessed through the configuration button. This will open a form where you can change everything except the users company:

DataForge manager: Edit existing user

To save the changes, click Save.

Disable or enable a manager

If you disable a manager, it can no longer log in to DataForge and can no longer be impersonated. To disable a manager, navigate to Administration > Managers. This will open the list of all managers:

Disable manager

Click the Context-button and select Disable If an admin is disabled, they can no longer log in to DataForge and can no longer be impersonated. The card of a disabled admin is colored in red:

Disabled manager

If the user is already disabled, it is possible to enable the user again. Click the Context-button and select Enable.

Last modified December 4, 2024: (abe093008)