DataForge user types

DataForge has two user types, DataForge Managers and DataForge Users. DataForge Managers are exclusively designed for the administration of DataForge and are created within DataForge itself. DataForge Users are Zabbix users imported into DataForge, utilizing DataForge features excluding administrative functions. While a default DataForge Manager account with super admin permissions exists, it is advisable to create a personal DataForge Manager account for individual usage. If DataForge is acquired as SaaS, a DataForge Manager account will be provided.

DataForge Manager

DataForge managers are exclusively responsible for the administration of DataForge. They login with a DataForge manager account and undergo authentication by DataForge through one of two available authentication methods: Local and LDAP.

DataForge User

DataForge Users are imported Zabbix users. They login via the DataForge User account type and use their Zabbix credentials. The import and management of DataForge Users and user groups can be performed exclusively by DataForge Managers.


Impersonating allows a manager to assume the identity of another user or manager and carry out actions on their behalf. This feature is primarily aimed at managers, who want to provide support for other users. Only administrators with the “Can impersonate” permission have the ability to impersonate other users.