DataForge user groups

A DataForge user group is needed for working with DataForge’s reporting feature. Members of a DataForge user group operate through a service user. The Zabbix permissions of the service user dictate the level of data accessible within DataForge’s reporting for group members.

You can add a DataForge user to a DataForge user group either using a wizard or by manually adding them through the Zabbix server. In addition to a DataForge user group, each group member is assigned a DataForge user role. A user role specifies the permissions within DataForge, including access to tasks like creating reports. The DataForge manager not only manages the user groups of DataForge users, but also the user roles.

DataForge user groups can be created or modified by navigating to Zabbix Server and selecting a Zabbix server. DataForge user groups are configured per Zabbix server integration and there is no limit to the number of user groups on a Zabbix server.

User group wizard

Navigate to Zabbix servers and select a server. Scroll down to the DataForge user groups section.

The DataForge user group wizard is capable of:

  • Creating new user groups and service users as needed.
  • Modifying user group members and update service users.
  • Importing existing user groups on your Zabbix server.

DataForge users can be included in a DataForge user group if they have already been imported. To access the user group wizard click New user group:

User group wizard button

At this point, you have two options to proceed:

  • Create a new user group: provide a name. The required prefix dfu_group: will be automatically added. This name will also serve as the name for the created service user.
  • Import an existing user group: select a group from the list to import an existing group.
User group wizard form

To proceed click Next. Depending on if a new user group was created or if an existing one is modified, the next steps will differ:

New user group

After the name is provided, select Create a new user group: dfu_group:YOUR_USER_GROUP_NAME from the dropdown and click the Next button.

User group wizard form: New user group

The newly created service user, which shares the same name as the group but without the prefixes, will be displayed. This service user requires a user role, which is chosen from the available Zabbix user roles listed in the dropdown menu. An automatically generated password will be provided, but you can also set one manually. Make sure to note the password, as it won’t be viewable after the completion of the creation process.
Click Next to continue.

User group wizard form: New service user

Select or search for users out of the pool of imported users. This selection will become members of the user group. You must select at least one user to continue, with no upper limit on how many users you can add simultaneously.
Click Next to continue.

User group wizard form: New group members

An overview of all to be applied changes will be displayed:

User group wizard form: Review changes

  • Create user group: Displays the name of the user group that will be created.
  • Creating user: Displays the name of the service user that will be created on the Zabbix server.
  • Update user group members: Displays the number of users that will be imported with the to be created user group.
  • Create DataForge service user: Displays the name of the service user that will be created on DataForge.
  • Sync with Zabbix server: Displays the name of the server that DataForge will be syncing with.

After clicking Apply Changes, an indicator next to each step will appear to show whether the steps were successful or unsuccessful.

User group wizard form: Applied changes

A green checkmark indicates that the step was completed successfully, while a red x-mark means that it wasn’t successful. If a step couldn’t be completed, a detailed description of why it failed can be accessed via a pop-up that appears at the bottom of the page.

The summary provides a link to the Zabbix frontend, directly to the created service user for easy access.

Importing existing user group

After a group is selected click the Next button.

User group wizard form: Import user group

The next step requires an authentication method for the service user. You can verify the service user by either providing the password or an authentication token:

User group wizard form: Service user authentication

Click Next to continue.

An overview of all members of that group is shown. You can modify this selection by removing members or adding to the selection. Click Next to continue.

User group wizard form: New group members

An overview of all to be applied changes will be displayed:

User group wizard form: Review changes

  • Create user group: Displays the name of the user group that will be created.
  • Creating user: Displays the name of the service user that will be created on the Zabbix server.
  • Update user group members: Displays the number of users that will be imported with the to be created user group.
  • Create DataForge service user: Displays the name of the service user that will be created on DataForge.
  • Sync with Zabbix server: Displays the name of the server that DataForge will be syncing with.

After clicking Apply Changes, an indicator next to each step will appear to show whether the steps were successful or unsuccessful.

User group wizard form: Applied changes

A green checkmark indicates that the step was completed successfully, while a red x-mark means that it wasn’t successful. If a step couldn’t be completed, a detailed description of why it failed can be accessed via a pop-up that appears at the bottom of the page.

The summary provides a link to the Zabbix frontend, directly to the created service user for easy access.

Modify user group

User group card

To modify a user group click the settings icon on the corresponding card. This will open the Manage user group modal with one of two options selected. Editing the Zabbix users of the user group is the default option.

Manage Zabbix users

If Zabbix users is selected, you are able to modify the Zabbix users of the user group by adding or removing them.

  • To add users, click in the multiselect box and select one or multiple Zabbix users you want to add.
  • To remove them click the x on the corresponding chip or open the multiselect box and deselect the users you want to remove.
Manage user group users

Click Save to apply the changes.

Manage service user

You can’t modify the service user directly in DataForge. However, we are offering a direct link to yur service user in Zabbix, so you can make adjustments there. After you change the password, you have to update the password in DataForge.

If Service user is selected, you are presented the following view:

Manage user group’s service user

  • Zabbix Service user: A direct link to Zabbix. If View on Zabbix is clicked, opens zu displayed service user in Zabbix.
  • Authentication type: Change the authentication type.
  • Password: If you changed the password or generated a new authentication token, enter it here. This ensures that the service user can be used properly by DataForge.

To apply the changes, click Save.

Add a user to a user group manually

To manually create a user group in DataForge, the following steps must be executed on the Zabbix server:

Then add the service user to the user group and each user, that will be part of the user group.

For changes in a user’s user group to become effective in DataForge, a synchronization between DataForge and Zabbix is required.

Delete user group

You can delete a user group and/or service user by clicking the red delete icon next to the user group, which will open a form.

Delete user group form

When a user group is deleted, the user group and service user are always deleted in DataForge. However, there are two options that allow the deletion to affect the Zabbix server as well.

Deleting just one entity on the Zabbix server

When either a service user or a user group is deleted on the Zabbix server, but not the other, the behavior of the wizard could differ when creating or modifying user groups:

  1. Only the user group is deleted, not the service user: If a user group is created with a name that matches an existing service user on the Zabbix server (without the prefix), that user will be used as the service user for the group. This means that the password of this user is required to continue, and no new password will be generated because no new service user is created.
  2. Only the service user is deleted, not the user group: The user group will still appear in the list of existing user groups, even though the user group is not listed in the “Users per user group” section. If this group is selected, the service user will be created again, and a password must be set.

Synchronize DataForge and Zabbix

For the user to show up in DataForge, DataForge and the Zabbix server have to be synchronized.

This can be done manually or is automatically triggered. A server has a predefined synchronization interval or synchronizes when the server is started. You can manage this interval within the server configuration, using the CLI key user-sync-schedule. Additionally, synchronization can be initiated when the server starts by using the CLI key user-sync-on-start.

Synchronize manually

To synchronize manually, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Zabbix servers.
  2. Click on the context menu button of the server that requires a synchronization.
  3. click Synchronize Now.
Synchronize now